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(New Song) - PIAGUÌ Colony  

29 Km.

5 hours and 30 minutes of walking

Bike - 2 hours.

48 km to go .



Without the stamps of Canção Nova (Agape inn) and Pesqueiro 3-lagos Piaguí

will not receive the certificate in Aparecida.

You can't cut across the asphalt Canção Nova - Aparecida


New Song - doesn't have

at Posada Àgape, 50 m. from the main gate of Canção Nova

Another stamp at Pesqueiro 3-Lagos in Piaguí

* When leaving the Canção Nova gate (you will find the yellow arrows) go straight ahead for one block and slightly turn left, onto Carlos Pinto Filho street.

* Arriving at the train station (ruins of the train) cross the railway heading to the left and then after about 50 m. turn right around the ecological park you will reach the bridge. Go across the bridge.

* After the bridge, turn slightly to the left / just in front there is a bakery, option for a snack, breakfast / and before reaching the end of this street, turn left around the narrow street to reach the beginning of Estrada Real.

* Follow the Estrada Real (ground floor) to a busier road, on the left you will find the farmhouse with the chapel of São José. You can visit the chapel on the private property without asking. Then follow another 2 km. for lodging at the Pesqueiro 3 Lagos house or another house a little earlier.

Stamp on fishing - 3 lakes restaurant



between Canção Nova - Aparecida

there is a farm with the chapel of St. Joseph, you can stop for prayer and rest for a while.

Click to see map of 8 step - click walk option.

5 hr 25 min (26.4 km) via Municipal Road

146 m · 180 m

573 m. 523 m

R. S. John Paul II, 17

Leaving Canção nova through the main gate, go down the street and go straight on at the bottom, slightly turn left - follow the yellow arrows in the direction of the train station - train station..

You can cross the train line and follow signs along the riverbank to the bridge. Then continue on Rua São Benedito, before the turn to the right, turn left onto Rua Luzia de Paula and right after the Evangelical Church, turn left (ground road) Estrada real.


Pesqueiro 3 lagos 2..jpg

Hostel with some beds and bunk beds, restaurant, pay-fishing lakes, swimming pool.

Accommodation only for pilgrims with a CNS passport stamped.

Pesqueiro 3 lados.jpg

Here there is a stamp - without this stamp the Santuário de Aparecida does not issue the certificate of completion of the CNS route



- Hostel type accommodation, beds - bunk beds.

- normal price 50 reais

**with CNS passport - 40 reais with breakfast

* you can arrange with dinner or lunch, price separately.

* has a pool

tel. whatsapp 12.99717-3273

12.99676 - 1042

click to see the fishery and restaurant,-45.2023066,3a,75y,293.53h,93.53t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4fbMNy-93xio37hVPwshpg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

IN THIS PLACE WHERE IN THIS PHOTO THE WORK STARTS TODAY, THERE IS THE SÃO JOSÉ CHAPEL - for accommodation in the fishing boat, 3 lakes or another are 2 km away.,-45.1902512,3a,75y,349.98h,92.97t/am=t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5nD6gYzvbqDIrW8_zk4wRw!2e0!7i13312! 8i6656


17 stage - PIAGUÌ colony - APARECIDA

19 km.

walk - 3 hours 45 min.

ride - 1 hour


Restaurant, Fishing 3 Lakes.

Without this stamp the Basilica of Aparecida

does not issue the certificate

Leaving the chapel of São José, turn right and follow the main road between the rice plantations until you reach a village and at the end of the village, turn left onto Estrada das Posses.

Continue until you reach Chácara Santos Anjos and turn right and continue between the rice plantations until you reach the road (paved) Vicinal Plinio Galvão Cesar.

Arriving at Guaratinguetá airport, turn right at Rua Miguel Pereira until you reach a forest and turn left and when you reach the main street, turn right at the bridge.

*** here you can choose to have a snack at a bakery on one street on the left and then go back to Rua Alexandre Fleming following the signs towards Santa Luzia and Potim.

Arriving in Potim, cross the Min.Roberto Cardoso Alves bridge.

Approximately 1 km. you will reach the viaduct that the cyclist needs to climb (or go under) and the pedestrian can go under it to reach the Basilica of Nossa Senhora Aparecida.

Upon arriving at the Basilica of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, each person must present a passport filled in, stamped and with their photo ID to receive the certificate.


Departure from Pesqueiro to Aparecida - 19 km.

Last step altimetry

elevation - 567 m.

downhill -530 m.

click to see stage map


every time you click on any GPS map you need to get the map right because the different map may appear.

Click to view the map.

aparecida 1.png
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