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14 STEP *


29 km

walk - 10 hours

ride - 3 hours

Click to see the map of

Sands - New Song

Altimetry of the Sand - Silveiras stage

climbs - 469

downhills - 374

Stamp: Sands

Areias Hotel - Santa Ana

Cultural Center.

click to see the center with hotel:,+12820-000/@-22.5806745,-44.6966042,3a,75y,296.73h,96.77t/data=!3m6!1e1! 3m4!1sqbPkLREHVoUPNFxsb_nVMA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x9ddd57c331b563:0x95494bc184c64dad!8m2!3d-22.6783359!4d-44.7193823

Leaving the parish church, go back a little to take the right entrance right after the bridge.

Head towards the São Miguel farm. This stretch through the farm to asphalt 6 km.

After the farm, follow the asphalt for 7 km. until an exit to the right, municipal road (dirt) for another 15 km.

Total up to Estrada Real inn are almost 30 km.

Map - departure from AREIAS through Fazenda São Miguel




Click to see the photo of the exit towards the

São Miguel Farm

Or click below to see the photo of the map of the entrance to Silveiras:

taking the dirt road straight ahead (asphalt bends to the right) you will take the shortest path to the city center.

Click to see the asphalt exit to reach Silveiras from the inside

Stretch through São Miguel farm to asphalt is 6 km.

If you decide (cyclists) to take the asphalt

Head towards Silveiras along the Estrada dos Tropeiros towards R. Orlando César

Continue on Rod. dos Tropeiros
Click to see map by asphalt 26 km.'Ana,+R.+Cmte.+Sampaio,+294,+Areias+-+SP,+12820-000/Silveiras ,+SP,+12690-000/@-22.6266293,-44.8448776,24666m/date=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x9ddd59752a1f99:0xc44d7c039c82b89a!4m14!2.4597m2! !1m1!1s0x9df29e79358401:0xefb6256bca4c4c8a!2m2!1d-44.8505298!2d-22.6652573!3e1

Our Lady of Conception Parish

R. João Antunes de Macedo, 670, Silveiras - SP, 12690-00

Photo of the road inside Fzaenda São Miguel

1 * Pousada Estrada Real in Silveiras

Address : Av. Ciro Moreira de Andrade, 1830, Silveiras - SP, 12690-000

Phone : (12) 3106-1110

We received many pilgrims on foot, by bicycle, on horseback, by motorbike and others, towards Aparecida, most coming from the State of Rio, as we are on the border between the two states and only 20 km from Canção Nova and 60 km of the Basilica of Aparecida by the CNS. We are already part of the Franciscan Route, of the Secretariat of Tourism of the State of São Paulo, we even have the Passport stamp, and we are in contact with the Estrada Real foundation to also register to stamp passports. We are also very interested in being part of the Associação Caminhos de Nossa Senhora to offer even better services to pilgrims coming from the State of Rio.


values for the year 2019:

Accommodation with breakfast: Normal R$ 80.00 - for the pilgrim 65.00 reais (with our passport stamped)

You can also arrange before - dinner.

Click to see the photo and location of the inn

Pousada Estrada Real.jpg
Ousada Pouso do Tropeiro Silveiras.jpg

2 * We are negotiating a partnership with Pousada Pouso do Tropeiro


15 step

Silveiras - New Song

25 km.

walking - 7 hours

cycling - 2 hours


climbs 716 m.

downhill 534 m.

The map Silveiras - Canção Nova,+SP/Can%C3%A7%C3%A3o+Nova,+Cachoeira+Paulista+-+SP/@-22.7113079,-44.9727283,16507m/data= ! 3M1 1e3 4m19 4m18 1m10 1m1 1s0x9df29e79358401!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0xefb6256bca4c4c8a 2m2 1d-44.8505298 2d-22.6652573 3m4 1m2 1d-44.8642504 2D 22.6900098 3s0x9d8d48eac69c57: 0xcb8850fc6ce307f0 1M5 1m1 1s0x94cccacd99ec4e3b:! 0x8c77a1b46f516184 !2m2!1d-45.0021615!2d-22.6613351!3e2?hl=pt-BR

Take the asphalt from the center to the City Portal and turn left. Follow for 1 km. and turn right down the cinder block road. This (unpaved) road takes you to the paved road ( in front of the N.Sra Aparecida Catholic Church). Turn right and continue until VIA DUTRA Highway, cross under the viaduct and follow Canção Nova through the bus gate, side entrance.

Cyclists, leaving Areias at 8 am. to arrive before 3 pm,

for the Divine Mercy Rosary in Canção Nova



Silveiras: at the secretariat of the parish church downtown

* or at the restaurant in front of the main square.

* Canção Nova doesn't have a stamp, look at Pousada Àgape, near the main entrance gate of Canção Nova.

Click to see the city center - church and restaurant af6b960ada54?metaSiteId=738e86d8-aa83-4b69-ac55-6a974952dd64&editorSessionId=19E59D9-B-16D1 770A9D399517&referralInfo=my-account

Click to see the map - aerial view: at the city portal, turn left and then turn right and follow the road paved with cinder blocks.


SP, 12690-000

Head towards Cachoeira Paulista (Via Dutra) on Av. Gov. Carvalho Pinto/Rod. dos Tropeiros towards R. Antônio Joaquim Miranda Alves

Continue on Rod. dos Tropeiros

At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto R. Jose Randolfo Lourena

210 m. turn right

At the roundabout, at the city portal, turn left onto Av. Maestro Lorena/R. Jose Randolfo Lourena

750 m Turn right onto R. Nelsom Varela after 210 m and follow this road until Via Dutra. on this road at the two forks turn right.

Continue crossing Via Dutra under the viaduct towards Canção Nova

R. João Paulo II, s/n - Alto da Bela Vista, Cachoeira Paulista - SP, 12630-000


Hotel Santa Ana - Areias

here you can also buy passports.

Hotel Areias Santa Ana quarto.jpg

Hotel and Pousada Sant'Ana

Dulce and Maria

Address : R. Comendador Sampaio, 15 - Centro, Areias - SP, 12820-000

Phone : (12) 3107-1581


Fan Page:

* With the presentation of the passport you have

discount and pilgrim treatment ...

* at this hotel you can buy a passport.

* This hotel has the CNS stamp

* CNS and CPC routes groups can

arrange beforehand to have dinner.

CLICK TO SEE THE HOTEL OUTSIDE!1s0x9ddd59752a1f99%3A0xc44d7c039c82b89a!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1m1m1m2!m2! !1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2FHOTEL%2BSANTANA%2BAREIAS%2F%40-22.580669469%C-44%2C25 %2C75y%2C23.16h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211s2W4mbTHP5HS8lSDVraBixA*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x9ddd59752a1f99%3A0xc44d7%CA%20X39c! !1e2!2s2W4mbTHP5HS8lSDVraBixA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9262Mn57iAhXkD7kGHUsADqAQpx8wCnoECA0QCw

Accommodation in Canção Nova:

Can use camping


Agape Inn

São Paulo waterfall

Address : R. Carlos Pinto Filho, 346, Bairro Vila Cacaro, Cachoeira Paulista - SP, 12630-000

Telephone : (12) 2102-0781

cel. (12)9 9229-1046 (Amanda)

cel. (12) 9 99146-4123 (Rafael)

E-mail:!1s0x94cccbd0af0aeead%3A0xe296e26df6c4405c!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m21m1m! !1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!! !5spousada%20agape%20cachoeira%20paulista%20-%20Search%20Google!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMRN59RGAGrZ7HYxQAqrNhmwu_itmsJUb0d0h7h&sa=XYWIQivedp1

100 meters from the entrance of Canção Nova

Value for the year 2019:

with breakfast included.

Normal: BRL 60.00

Pilgrim with CNS passport

R$ 45.00 per person per day.

Address, photos, click below ..0.218.2028.0j13j1......0....1..gws-wiz......6..35i39j35i39i19j0j0i131j0i22i10i30j0i13j0i13i30j0i13i5i30j0i8i13i30.q8h0cGRmstA#

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